You can be a beast with your efforts to make contact with your leads. Your contact rates can be awesome. However, if all you are doing is having conversations and not converting the conversations into appointments and jobs, are you really winning?
You received a contractor lead and called the homeowner immediately. They did not answer, so you left a voicemail for them to call you back. You’ve done your part, right?
The overwhelming majority of Home Improvement & Home Service companies have experienced poor to horrible results when purchasing contractor leads. It is the unfortunate reality and overwhelmingly common experience that pros spend their hard-earned money with little to nothing to show for it in the end.
Last month I shared a post highlighting the power that text messaging can have on your business. I shared some personal antidotes along with some practical applications for any home improvement pro. Shortly after posting, I was contacted by one of our clients, Phillip B. (Bowman & Sons Contracting), with some great feedback. He generously agreed to an interview to pick his brain and share some of the things that make him and his company highly successful with all customers, especially leads.
What percentage of leads do you make contact with? If you are like the majority of home improvement pros, one of the most frustrating and bewildering parts of online lead generation is making initial contact with the home owner that just submitted their request to be contacted. This common challenge is what leads many pros throw their hands in the air and outright give up on lead gen as a source of new business. Whether you are at this level of frustration or are just looking to improve your contact ratio, this article will provide you the tools, insights and evidence to help you overcome this massive hurdle.