Happy Fall y’all!!! This is one of my favorite times of the year. Being born & raised in Miami, FL, it was only later in my life that I had the opportunity to experience what fall is all about: cooling temperatures, leaves changing colors, and a reminder of the beauty we are surrounded by. Fall is also the time to make that push to close out the year exceeding targets and celebrating success. For many of our clients, closing out the year strong is already happening, and they are reaping the rewards of their diligent efforts to increase their client base and bottom-line revenue.
The month of September was no different than others here at conXpros. Internally, we have been growing the team which will allow us to continue to deliver an exceptional experience to all of our clients and valued partners. The overwhelming stories of success from our clients continue to have me doing a ton of celebrating and smiling.
I have shared the success of Marc with Dewitt Home Services a few times in the past, but he continues to rock it out every day with conXpros and it is hard not to share some of his successes (again), as he is a perfect example of what can be achieved when doing lead generation the right way and with a superstar process.
To give you an understanding of the bigger picture, Marc calls every lead we send him immediately, he gets bad leads, he reports them, and he gets credit for most of the leads he submits (he gets declined for credit requests too, and he doesn’t like it but he understands if they do not meet the criteria for credit). But, what is most important is what he does with the valid opportunities that we send him.
Marc shared his results from a single day in September (and shared that this is the norm for him since joining conXpros) when we sent him 9 leads total for roofing and window installation. He requested credit for 3 of those leads, and he had already set 4 appointments out of the remaining 6 leads!! He said that he will more than likely close 3 out of the 4 estimates, which he based on his track record. This is just a simple breakdown of what he does in one day with our service! It is no surprise he has seen his client list and revenue skyrocket. You are a beast, Marc!
One of our newer clients has not received a large volume of leads so far, but Steve at Landscaping By Steve has killed it with the opportunities he has had thus far. From the first 2 leads delivered, Steve has already secured a landscape installation project that will net him between $4,000-$6,000 when completed. Slow on the leads, but more than 3 years. He has found consistent success in the concrete category with us. However, he just recently shared that one of the recent leads has led to a massive project (commercial project at multiple locations) coming in at just over $400,000!! I know Steve is smiling ear to ear with those numbers.
Another client that started with conXpros at the beginning of September is Devin with DuBois Land Services. In the first 10 leads they received, 3 were reported for credit. Devin converted the remaining 7 leads into clients! That is a hall of fame type of batting average. I am super excited to see what else he will accomplish while partnered with conXpros. Absolutely amazing!
The final success story I chose to share this month is a bit of a different one.
Daniel from Emerson Paints initially tried our services but chose to close the account with the idea that he could get better service from a different company. Well, Daniel rejoined conXpros in early September and shared that the “grass is not always greener,” as he thought it would be. In fact, out of the first 10 leads, he already has converted 3 into closed jobs, bringing in more than $16,000 in new revenue. We love having Daniel back as a partner and even more so knowing that he is finding the success he deserves.
As always, it is a challenge to decide which success stories to share here in the newsletter. These all stood out to me as inspirational in different ways. I hope that the success of these and others helps inspire others to achieve similar success, and share it with us as we LOVE to celebrate the success of our clients. Thank you for the opportunity to partner with so many amazing companies and help you achieve the desired results. Wishing everyone a happy and successful Fall. Let’s crush it together and close out the year in style!
Thank you,
Ari Greenbaum
CEO & Founder, conXpros LLC

Episode 10: Separating From The Competition
Episode 10 of The X Factor: A Home Pros Sales Podcast is now available to stream!
In this episode, Ari Greenbaum interviews Brian Lazcano of Three Phase Electric to discuss tactical ways home improvement professionals can value themselves more, improve their customer satisfaction, and ultimately separate themselves from the competition.
Stream it now!

5 Ways You Can Grow Your Junk Removal Business
If you have a junk removal business, you know just how seasonal the flow of leads can be! So if you want to maintain a consistent pipeline of junk removal work, your team will have to innovate reliable ways to get more leads and help grow the business.
At conXpros, we know all about the junk removal market and a little bit about marketing too! Read our article to learn our top tips for growing your junk removal business and getting more leads.

5 Landscaping Business Mistakes To Avoid
If you have a landscaping business, you know just how much trial and error it takes to have a successful one! So if you want to continue on the trajectory of success, your team will have to innovate reliable ways to get more leads and avoid making serious mistakes that can compromise your business.
At conXpros, we are very familiar with the landscaping business industry! Read our article to learn our insights on the mistakes you should avoid making in your landscaping business.

“Compared to other lead generation services, conXpros has been a breath of fresh air. The other services fight you tooth and nail if credit is needed for a lead that is for a different category, if the lead can never be contacted, or if the person says they never wanted the service. conXpros stands behind their leads and as long as you make a good attempt at contacting the lead, in my experience they will grant credits for those valid reasons without a fight. I just wish all lead generation services were like this.”
– Jim Anderson
See how conXpros has helped others with their home improvement business!

Questions about your leads or service? Remember to reach out to us via email, phone, or on our website at conxpros.com. We’re only one chat or call away.
Email us at info@conxpros.com
Call us at (833) 638-0976
Send us a message: https://conxpros.com/contact/