In this episode, Ari Greenbaum interviews Rachel Free, Director of Account Management at conXpros as they discuss all things lead generation and the secret to why some clients fail and others succeed!
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Ari: Welcome to The X Factor: A Home Pro Sales podcast. This podcast is about all things sales to help home improvement pros generate high-quality leads, and close more deals. I’m your host, Ari Greenbaum. And in this podcast, we’ll talk about different tactics, tips, and resources to help you grow your business while interviewing experts in the industry. Before we get started on our episode, today, just a little housekeeping as normal.
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We’re gonna do a little bit differently today in terms of what we’re gonna be focusing on, and the style of what we’re going to do. Maybe you already know my guest, having seen her with us before. So I’ll introduce her briefly and then get into what our topic is today.
But I wanted Rachel to come back on. Rachel is our Director of Account Management here. She works with clients, on the frontline, so to speak, working with clients and makes sure they succeed, not just with our leads, but with leads in general. So I know she’s been a guest with us before.
But I felt that there’s no one better to have as a repeat guest than someone that really is working with a multitude of contractors working in this space, trying to navigate and succeed with more inquiries, leads, whatever you’d like to term that, and converting that into paying customers. So I’ll let Rachel obviously introduce herself and a little bit about her background, and then introduce the topic and get us all having some fun today.
Rachel: Yes, thank you so much, Ari. It’s a pleasure being back here again. I like helping people. So this is the best way to do it. Just a little background about who I am. When I started here at conXpros, shortly after they opened the doors here, I started working in lead verification, and really started understanding how leads work. From there, I moved to account management. And now I’m the director of the account management department. So I’ve learned a lot along the way. So I’m happy to share my knowledge.
Ari: Yes, I know Rachel’s very humble as well. But one of the things that did escalate her to a level where she’s a director, she’s exceptional, helping clients succeed and find success with leads, even if they have not found success with other lead providers outside of us.
And who better to lead our account management team than a person that has done exceptionally with that, and ties right into what it is that we’re doing here in terms of a podcast? And obviously, this episode, as I share with Rachel just to make sure it’s not coming in completely blind, even though she fully can handle it. I said, Hey, I’m gonna throw two different questions at you. The top three types of stuff. So that’s what we’re going to really focus on today, I really want to see, and I’m sure there are much more than just three things. But if we get narrowed down to the top three, for two key areas, the first thing that we want to talk about is what top three things are the people that you find are successful with leads, we have a lot of them.
What are the top three common denominators? What did they do that, in your opinion, makes them successful with leads? And then after that, getting into the top three reasons that because you do, unfortunately, see people fail with leads, no matter how much help and coaching we can offer? At the end of the day, it just doesn’t work for them. What are the top three reasons that people and I hate using the term fail, but fail with lead generation, why they would say lead generation doesn’t work for them? And, we’ll attack both sides of it. But let’s start with the positives. What are those things that the top three to you that you’ve experienced, I mean, across the hundreds, if not thousands of clients you’ve worked with?
Rachel: Yes. And this is really important, just in general to me, because everyone can do well with lead generation, there is a science to it. So the top three things that I see that people do well with, and succeed, in are, well the number one thing, and as simple as it sounds, it’s just calling their leads and calling it right away.
Ari: I chuckle about that. Rachel, I’ve had so many guests on here, they all say the same thing. Your speed, the lead, it’s super important. So hopefully the listeners start paying attention to this as well if you’re not doing these kinds of things. I mean, don’t take it lightly. I mean, there’s a reason that everyone is echoing the same thing. I’m sorry to interrupt you.
Rachel: I mean, it’s so important it’s a minor thing that you would think okay, call them in an hour or something, but just getting to them right away is important and so many different ways that they’re not always going to answer when you call right away. So you do have to follow up if they don’t, but the percentage of the ones that are you’re going to have a certain percentage that will answer and you’re not going to lose the opportunity there.
Ari: So you find that differs like the type of lead I mean, people are more construction-oriented versus, more home service oriented. Do you find that that differs or is it all the same? I mean, no matter what it is you got to call quickly?
Rachel: Yeah, I would say I mean, obviously, there are some industries that it could be okay to that they don’t need it right away. But it’s still important because the homeowner is looking for help. So if you’re getting to them fast, it’s on their mind, they’re still thinking about it. People have lives. If they move on from that, they may be like, Oh, I’ll worry about it later. But if you get to them quickly, then you can have the opportunity to get in the door faster.
Ari: And, with this, I mean, again, fast is a very open-ended term. Do you have an idea of like, what you say, you’re successful, guys? I mean, what does fast mean to them? Because I mean, again, someone could say within hours fast for them when they’re a super busy person. So what does that mean to your guys?
Rachel: Within a few minutes of receiving the lead.
Ari: So the guys that are super successful, that’s a common denominator, they are religiously getting the lead, either themselves or someone dedicated within their system to be calling. Yeah, that makes sense. Why is number one on the list? Even if it is so simple? But again, I know we said top the reason what, what else would you say were regular things that contribute to success?
Rachel: The second one that I have on here, it’s kind of interesting, because a lot of people go into a call with, without really thinking about what they’re doing and is thinking it through and having confidence. And when reaching out to homeowners, the first impression is going to last. So if you go into something, you don’t sound confident, you sound kind of shaky about what’s going on, they’re gonna feel the energy on the other side of the phone.
But if you go into that call, even though it’s a call over the phone, but if you go into it with confidence and assurance, and they’re gonna be more open to talking to you and discussing what’s going on, instead of you getting hung up on which will happen, and it could still be a valid opportunity, but it wasn’t valid, because you didn’t approach it the right way.
Ari: And I know it’s tough as you work with so many people, as to say all do one thing, but you find that the majority of the people that are successful, like having almost like a scripted way, or do you find that they’re just more super knowledgeable about what they do? And then therefore there’s confidence and they’re able to just, maybe not verbatim spit out the same spiel, but pretty close to the vest. And it’s that confidence in their own knowledge and abilities that win, ya know, there are two sides to the coin, what do you find with most of your people?
Rachel: I mean, I think it’s 100% going to be the confidence part. I mean, obviously, being scripted can help. But if you go into it without even having to, think about what you’re saying the confidence will come out on the other side of the phone. And yeah, it’s gonna be the same sort of thing every time. But you’re gonna show them what you’re calling about, what the call is for overall.
Ari: Yeah, and it’s interesting. I’d like to bring it up with a previous guest. Francisco Cortez is an example, of a couple of one of your favorite clients, Marco, our first guest, I believe, I’m mistaken, doing the podcasts are worth it. If I’m not mistaken, those are guys that take it upon themselves to make the calls themselves.
And it’s not like they can’t have other people. I mean, Francisco I know has a team as he described, but the way he described it, in order to achieve what you’re suggesting, is taking it upon themselves or someone that is truly connected to the business, not just, a scheduler or someone of that nature that really is that don’t love it don’t have a passion for what it is. So is that something else that you have found as well?
That is not just being knowledgeable and confident you could teach and script someone to be that way. Is it also that passion from the person themselves when it comes to being a small business that makes them succeed in converting leads that you find that human touch?
Rachel: 100%. Yeah, it definitely makes a difference.
Ari: You’ve seen that, I mean, we’ve analyzed numbers together. we’ve seen guys that have call centers and the difference between the results, is they’re even the same clients. Testing an A/B test of them taking leads themselves versus the call center. Their bookings are double, if not triple the revenues are double, if not triple.
That’s important. Yeah. I just wanna be sure the people that are listening here, but they can understand that as well. Because it’s one thing to teach someone to be confident to do these things.
But there if it is possible, from what you’re saying, and these guys are really killing it with leads, they make that human connection, and as you said, that confidence, it just oozes out. When it’s your baby, it’s your company, what you do. So, yeah, that’s, I want to make sure we didn’t miss that piece because that is I know, a critical piece of that for success. And you mentioned obviously the third thing, and I didn’t want to stop your, your role there. But what we’ll be seeing the third I mean, we obviously have time, this time to lead or speed to lead.
We have the way that we initially make that contact with them and how we present ourselves. What would you say the third biggest factor is that you could find them? I’m sure there are tons more but isolate it.
Rachel: The third one is going to be just managing the dashboard or managing the service in general, whether it’s ours or any other service, like being in tune with what’s going on. if you’re not able to take leads, then don’t take leads. pause out the account, whatever it may be, but just manage and be in tune with what you’re doing. And that way it doesn’t have any surprises.
Ari: Right? It’s a little biased, obviously, only because our system does have a lot of the ability in our own system, people to, have that kind of knowledge and be in control to a degree of things. and other systems. So that’s more unique, with us in conXpros, but at the end of the day, I mean, that would be with any services, if I’m understanding you correctly, do you work with guys that don’t just work with us and most your top clients, they use us to send us more to supplement to what they’re already doing with a multitude of other providers?
Do you find that those guys are also uber on top of the management, again, whether it’s with Angie, Craft Jack networks, or any of the players out there, that are lead providers, they’re doing it the same way, and the best of our ability, the platform offers?
Rachel: Yes, 100%, at the end of the day, like you’re investing money into something, so it’s, it’s really good to be organized and aware of what’s going on. So you don’t fail in any aspect of it. So yeah, 100% with all services.
Ari: So the top three things there, as we said, is speed to lead, how we present ourselves that first impression, that’s really where the book is set. And then other than that, is just being aware and on top of your leads, managing them, making sure you’re not paying for things you shouldn’t pay for chewing up ROIs. you’re aware you’re following through with customers as you’re supposed to do, etc.
So if you’re not aware of that, it’s hard to manage them. Now, those are all critical. And I mean, they all make sense to me. I’ve been doing this for a long time, and I know you have as well. So I mean, all makes sense to me. And I really hope that our listeners are tuning in and understanding the importance even as simple as these things sounds, the execution of them is not always so simple. And that’s where keep trying to get ideas to make it better.
I don’t want to like talk about negative things. And it’s not to bash anybody, but at the same time, you manage a lot of clients that don’t succeed. And, it’s just the reality of lead generation is not right for everybody. So, what would you say are those top three reasons that people tend to fail with lead generation, or don’t see the kind of results that they, when they enroll for a service they envision happening?
Rachel: Um, so the first one is kind of similar to the first one on the other list, and just people who aren’t reaching out to the leads right away. People who, even if they say that they are, really, they’re not being true to themselves, like the process following. I mean, it’s, it’s really sad, but it’s so true. And it’s like, just making sure that you’re accountable for that part.
Ari: I have to chuckle a bit, I coach sales guys here in our own company. And I say that so often. Like, I can’t help to laugh. like, at the end of the day, you got to be honest with yourself. I mean, you’re not fooling anybody. But accountability. It’s all about your honesty with yourself. Otherwise, it’s meaningless. So it’s a good spot for me.
Rachel: 100%.
Ari: So obviously, being straight and honest and not practicing speed, the lead in the sense, like the guys that are successful with it is, that’s one of the key components and the top component. Just like it’s also the top component of success, you find that to be equal and opposite, so to speak.
Rachel: Yes, absolutely. Yeah, to your success, if you’re calling, a lead a couple of hours later. And they say, oh, no, I’ve got the job done, and hang up on you. And then you get frustrated with that because now you’ve paid for something that you have no results in. And that’s frustrating to the guys that I work with. So I get that part of it, but at the same time, that’s why the part of calling them so fast is so important. Yeah, I’m like, just call. That’s it.
Ari: That’s important, for sure. Um, so that’s obviously a huge one. What other factors would you say contributes to people not achieving the kind of results they’re looking for?
Rachel: And this one, the next one on my list is just being biased overall, with the leads that are coming through. So, just pre-judging, or even judging once you get someone on the phone. I hear a lot of times they aren’t serious, they have no money, those types of terms and at the end of the day, the area that the leads come in, they’re automatically assuming as opposed to working every lead the same way, that first impression, like going into that, with that confidence, opposed to going into it sounding like this isn’t gonna go anywhere, you’re not happy to help them.
Ari; So they’re not consistent in their approach. They do it uniquely per person. And from what you’re describing it seems like it’s a common problem is that people use the word bias, prejudge, the look at a name, whether it’s an ethnicity or, an address and a location, or I mean, I’ve heard stories as well, people pulling up Google Maps, to see the Street View and looking at the house like, no, that’s not for me, or things of this nature.
So that bias is impacting if I’m understanding correctly, their ability to communicate with these people in an effective way, and in a caring way to show them that you really do want to help them and help them with their home. So that bias comes into play there and people aren’t attacking the leads the way they necessarily should, if they were with someone they would consider bias in a good way, and came from the right neighborhood with the right info on there.
Well, they would probably go after it and feel really excited and confident about it. So that’s what I’m understanding here.
Rachel: Correct. Yep, that’s it.
Ari: Yeah, it makes sense. I mean, we’re all human. And we all have fallen victim to this in some way. So it’s understandable. But at the same time, if it’s a hurdle to our success, then we got to be aware of it and learn how to overcome it. That’s a huge one, what would you say number three is, put the top three?
Rachel: I mean, and then the next one is gonna go back to just being accountable and making sure that you’re managing the service. So people that don’t manage it.
Ari: Similar, so the top three are, a flip-flop of each other to a degree. I mean, look, at the end of the day, even the second one, in both cases, it’s really the opposite of it.
But if someone is consistent with their approach, and they go in with that knowledge, feeling good, warm and fuzzy, giving that person the feeling on the other end, the recipient, well, and they’re consistent with it, and the bias can’t exist, because that’s, that they can’t exist to coexist together. So I mean, they really are all matching up, which is super interesting.
I didn’t know what the results are gonna be when we, dove into this, okay, these are the top three things that make you successful, these are three that maybe not, but to see them line up like that is quite interesting. And you’re managing, I mean, hundreds of accounts, and you’ve seen all kinds of people succeed, I mean, turning, 10, extra more on their investment dollars on a long-term basis, not just on a quick one time, you see the complete opposite to people pouring money and never achieving results, not just with us, but with, a handful of others providers and a lot of expense down the road, figuring out it doesn’t work.
So, I mean, this is valuable, valuable insight, obviously, of what to do, and what not to do. To stay away from, but you said it very well, you said this all gonna sound so simple. I mean, it really does.
Rachel: I mean, it’s very simple. And it’s crazy because I watch it happen often both ways, people succeeding and people failing. I do my best when I see someone not doing exactly what is prescribed to do well, with coaching and helping them. And that’s the end result, like, that’s what I want is to be able to help someone to understand it with all services.
Ari: Let me ask you that we work with a lot of people, at least in our company that have already been with other companies and have had maybe not the best of experiences, and there’s obviously the handful of them that have good experiences, and they just like using a multitude of companies, it works for them.
But do you feel that that contributes to the word bias earlier? as far as, a negative, do you feel that that is a big contributor as well, to success with anything else are the leads? Because I mean, if you had a bad experience with a couple of things that came from Google, you might be biased that way to things that came from Google. it’s just the reality of it.
Do you feel that that’s a big contributing factor outside of these top three, maybe trumps all of them, which is coming in with an open mind or allowing the past history to dictate their future results?
Rachel: It’s actually really funny that you say that I actually have that written down as a catch-all like, someone coming into it with, I’m going to try this out, but it has never worked for me before. And everything that they assume is going to happen is what is in their head. So just getting past that. But yeah, it’s 100% a huge factor.
And that’s got to be the toughest thing I would say for anybody. The rest of these things that we talked about are things that people would take away and really put into action. This one I don’t know if it’s actionable. And that’s the tough part here is we are all human it’s like the old fool me once, fool me twice kind of a thing.
People are just skeptical as a result of it. It’s just human nature at that point to be So you’re asking people to be superhuman coming into a new service. I mean, it’s a bit extreme. But more and more, they can eliminate some of those biases or preconditions, then they have a better chance to take the kind of coaching you’re talking about. And again, ever saying the same thing, just maybe dressing it up a little bit differently, their way of doing it.
At the end of the day, everyone who is successful calls their leads quickly, they have a very specific way they approach those leads, which is typically knowledge and confidence based, and they’re very aware of their business.
So this is not it’s not rocket science, as we always joke, but a lot of people like to make it such and I believe these biases might be the core of that. New customers come in all shapes and sizes.
Rachel: Yeah. 100% I mean, I get why it happens. I understand. But it is definitely a huge factor
The funnest part is whenever someone comes in with that guard up, and we’re able to really work together, and they’re able to let the guard down. And they’re so thankful for the chance to work with our service at that point. So, when that happens, that’s the reason that we keep going, right?
Ari: Yeah, no, absolutely. It’s the wins. And that as well as anybody I know, you love sharing with me the success stories of your clients. And again, what you’ve shared is the reason for that success. And that’s what we would encourage anyone to do is, emulate others that are successful, they’re doing well for a reason. It’s not by accident or happenstance. So it takes action.
I really appreciate you sharing these things. And as I said, as obvious as they may seem, hearing these things again, and again, often is the answer, to help people to achieve their goals. And no one comes in the lead generation not wanting to succeed.
Bias or not, they all come in with that objective. So if we can help them to achieve that, or more people to achieve that, that’s what it’s all about. And I appreciate you taking the time to leave your clients aside for a minute and help, the cause and see what we can do to help others really succeed with leads and to succeed, not just with us, but with any lead provider, but it’s really all about their success.
Rachel: Happy to put my knowledge in there too. And as you said, just keep repeating the same thing because it is the formula that works.
Ari: Hey be careful, I might have to have you on for free. Be careful what you wish for Rachael. I want to thank our listeners though, for tuning into The X Factor: A Home Pros Sales podcast.
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